Akhandabhajans.com passionately organizes online Bhakthi events for Hindu deities, particularly focusing on Lord Ayyappa, with a mission to foster a dedicated community. Beginning in Swedesboro, New Jersey, our journey started with small gatherings at the Sri Raja Ganapathi Temple and evolved into virtual bhajans via Zoom and YouTube, overcoming the challenges of 2020.
From 5 or 6 participants in 2020 to 15 to 20 in 2022, our Bhajan sessions gained global momentum in 2023, involving 23 groups, 4 continents, 8 countries, and 22 locations. Praised on our YouTube channel, this reflects the Lord’s will and our collective strength.
Inspired by Sankranthi, our Akhanda Ayyappa Bhajans event, a three-day online marathon from January 12th to 14th, 2024, culminates with the “Makaravillaku” in Sabarimala. Join us in creating a global online directory for devotees on the path of bakthi/yoga, fostering collaboration and making the world a better place through unconditional devotion. Register for uplifting spiritual events or secure your slots below.